The Chevy Clean Standard

Confidence, when you’re ready for the road ahead.
We know that these are uncertain and challenging times, and your vehicle
should be the least of your worries. That’s why Chevrolet, your
Chevrolet dealer and GM Financial are here and committed to helping you
in any way we can – from answering your questions to servicing your
vehicle and everything in-between.
Cleaned with care.
Now more than ever, cleanliness is of the utmost importance. That's why
your Chevy Clean dealers are committed to using enhanced vehicle
cleaning measures with CDC-approved cleansers before delivering your
vehicle after purchase or service, including cleaning your instrument
panel, hard and plastic surfaces, seats and carpet.1
1 At participating dealers. As part of the Chevy Clean Program, participating dealers commit to follow CDC guidelines regarding the cleaning of facilities and vehicles. Neither the Chevy Clean Program nor a dealer’s enrollment in the Program should be deemed to state or imply that any dealer’s cleaning activities can eliminate or prevent transmission of any virus, illness or disease. Each dealer is independently operated and solely responsible for adherence to Program rules and CDC guidelines. Cleaning methods may vary.